As we already know, IoT application in manufacturing generates the connection of the products, processes, infrastructure, and people all around the plant floor. We probably should think about IoT as a network that is building a new era for companies that want information about their manufacturing process.

In other words, the diverse components that the smart industry using IoT get on its manufacturing value chain can automatically benefit from the implementation of smart devices and digital sensors that allow the best visibility of the tasks and control over the production process.

Industry 4.0, or the Industrial Revolution, is growing in popularity every day. Above all, digital transformation allows physical elements to combine with digital ones, increasing productivity. This is the Smart Factory concept.

What is a Smart Factory?

Smart Factory is, as its name implies, a smart industry using IoT. This means that disruptive technologies are now in the production processes, as a result, companies get a more modular and flexible production.

Smart factories can help reduce production times and costs by adapting and optimizing their processes. They also can store and analyze large amounts of data in real-time. This allows for more flexibility, efficiency, and autonomy in production.

However, with the IoT application in manufacturing, people can focus on improving processes, not repetitive tasks, which results in great value.

Consequently, a traditional industry can change into a Smart Factory by involving and motivating its management.

All these statements of intent and the teams of professionals need to count on the technology and tools that will allow them to incorporate different processes, for instance, control, analyze, and improve their production on their plant floor.

Benefits of IoT Applications in Manufacturing

  • Cloud monitoring: better known as “the cloud”, is a platform where you can store all the information and large volume of data that is generated both in the plant by machinery, robots, and sensors, as in the specific tools such as MES and ERP.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): the interconnectedness between machines allows for the coordination of systems, data capture, remote control of production, and information exchange between products and systems.
  • Big Data: every information that is generated by connections between machines, software, and tools needs to be collected and analyzed immediately with two goals: firstly, identify patterns, and secondly, prevent future events. Only Big Data will enable you to manage large amounts of information at optimal times.
  • Cybersecurity: is an important technology in the smart industry using IoT because data protection and privacy are the most critical aspects for industries.
  • Robots: can assist with repetitive tasks or those that require high accuracy. Each activity requires a cognitive robot or an autonomous robot (or both).
  • Digital Twins: to increase efficiency, control, and operations planning.
  • Operators: can use virtual and augmented reality to help with many things, for example, product organization, production tasks, and equipment maintenance and repairs. However, we must not confuse the terms. Augmented reality refers to technology that overlays digital information onto information that can be perceived through our eyes. This technology requires only a smartphone. Virtual reality requires special glasses to enter the virtual world.

How to transform your production plan into a Smart factory using IoT

There is an assortment of challenges facing traditional industries. IoT describes digitalization as four steps.

  1. IoT application in manufacturing is an opportunity and not a threat by companies, so, it can improve efficiency and reduce production times.
  2. After identifying the needs, the strategic plan and objectives must be established to address them. These could include optimizing internal processes, increasing sales, or reducing costs.
  3. Define the team that will be responsible for the project’s direction. This team should include specialists who have deep knowledge of the business and its processes.
  4. On the other hand, it is vital to actively engage the whole workforce in recycling and involving them all. Smart industry using IoT creates a plan for training their employees and hiring new staff. This transformation must be complete and involve all employees and all internal processes.

Advantages from the investment

In conclusion, IoT application in manufacturing brings many benefits to the industry. It can improve the quality, planning, development, and logistics of products and supply chains

These are the top competitive advantages.

  • You can be flexible and quick in dealing with the unexpected.
  • Sensors and IoT devices provide real-time digital and physical connections.
  • Resource optimization.
  • Data reliability
  • Two-way data flow between elements.

If you want to learn more about IoT and its applications, contact us!