In a company, it is a fact that measuring the production processes can reduce costs and increase efficiency. In this way, executives and market analysts from every sector of the companies constantly discuss the way the IoT could change and transform the market.

However, the core of those conversations revolves around big corporations, even when 47% of the USA workers serve tiny businesses or companies.

For those companies with limited resources, IoT implementation is vital, but this process might look different for them.

IoT Benefits – How increase efficiency?

It is not a secret that IoT’s benefits are almost endless, and industry professionals know about this reality. This is unquestionable, but not all companies can get this unique IoT experience due to its implementation costs.

Having said that, even small companies have a lot to achieve from it.

IoT advantages vary from sector, resource, and business type. For SMBs (Small and Medium Size Business), people can sort these advantages into two principal sections:

  • Efficiency or performance
  • Cost-effectiveness

IoT devices can simplify many work processes while increases the efficiency of the company.


Simple tasks like scheduling are time-eaters for all businesses, so, the best option to stay productive is automatization.

Virtual assistants such as Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa can manage these tasks so workers can focus on their real work.

Another example is SMBs moving packaged goods. This company uses IoT frequency identification devices, to optimize the organization and maximize efficiency. These sensors enable workers to find and track goods during the logistic chain.

This device makes the process easier and accessible for everyone, as a result, higher productivity and increased business efficiency.


Another advantage of IoT for SMBs is its cost-effectiveness. Incorporate IoT devices for variations in the work process represents a considerable cost reduction over time. Even common smart thermostats are the best option for save and reduce energy intake while gathering real-time data for monitoring uses.

The most popular application of IoT in business is predictive maintenance. This operation enables companies to predict any malfunction or breakdown before they become problematic. This method benefits companies by avoiding both expensive repairs and costly downtime.

Implementing the IoT in Small Businesses

IoT technology gives SMBs plenty of identical benefits that it does for big corporations. However, that does not mean that they can adopt it on an identical scale. Despite the very fact that IoT can lower prices, increase productivity and efficiency, some business owners could also be worried about the initial expense of purchasing and installing these devices.

Companies with substantial accounts have the advantage here. Still, SMBs can incorporate IoT devices into their processes without taking any important financial risks. Through precise and careful planning and implementation, small businesses can experience its benefits.

Understanding Immediate Needs

Since any investment for small businesses is time-sensitive, owners have to consider their immediate needs before contemplating IoT implementation. In this way, it will be easier to know which areas will produce the faster difference with IoT.

If an SMBs notices inefficiencies within its supply chain, then it must concentrate on smart devices, such as RFID tags.

On the other hand, services are a big intake for any business, and devices like smart thermostats or lights can be helpful. The sectors in most need of change and improvement usually have the fastest returns on investment.

Starting Small Businesses

Due to all the IoT’s promises, it is very intriguing to apply it throughout all the processes immediately. However, this sort of broad adoption is only potential for a multinational corporation, so, not all small businesses could incorporate it in the same way. As a recommendation, small companies should gradually add more IoT devices as they start to increase efficiency by generating returns on their principal processes.

More IoT devices can mean more savings, but SMBs can’t afford to require too massive an investment. A gradual approach is more economical, and can also help companies suits the new system. Adopting an excessive amount early on can cause confusion and compatibility issues, which might be expensive.

Considering Scalability of Small Businesses

Ideally, a small business will grow over time. Since it grows, it can add more IoT to its infrastructure, so SMBs need to keep scalability in mind.

To guarantee everything is scalable, business owners can plan their long-term adoption process, that way, they can confirm that everything operates on the same network. Without this point in mind, SMBs could spend a considerable amount of money on incompatible equipment.

If you want to learn more about IoT and how to use it to increase efficiency in your company, contact us!