Certainly, many digital technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Machine Learning in manufacturing are transforming businesses in an innovative way called “Smart Factory”. The digital age is here and is represented by Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing, and Smart Factory. 

As a result, digital technologies connect dots and transform manufacturing industries into smart ones.  

So, today people and companies need to see factories as extensive networking all over the world.

In other words, smart manufacturing is all in the use of smart technology. It uses connectivity, networking, and real-time data access to improve manufacturing processes.

Machine Learning in Manufacturing has Benefits

There are many benefits by including machine learning in the manufacturing processes of the factory floor, for example:

  • Firstly, there will be productivity improvements
  • Direct access to data–Supply Chain Management
  • Analyze in real-time
  • Instant decision making
  • Reduce waste and downtime
  • Improvement of Energy efficiency
  • Reducing energy waste makes products more affordable
  • Integration of advanced technologies, so, it is possible to improve the process
  • Save Money
  • Sales increase
  • Greater efficiency in overall operations through proper sync and project-cycle implementation.
  • Process automation has led to a reduction in packaging for consumers
  • With proper analysis and timely corrections, companies can reduce their cycle times.
  • Connectivity Performance management based on real-time IoT data
  • Predictive maintenance, machine learning, and pre-prognostic forecasting
  • Flexible Automation, automated scheduling, robots, and cobots

Above all, digital transformation and industry 4.0 are fully embraced while improved transformation approaches. Manufacturers are enticed to offer innovative products and embrace opportunities for a better tomorrow.

However, these are the key technologies that will allow Smart Manufacturing to succeed:

  • Automation and robotics are advancing
  • Additive manufacturing, 3D printing
  • Industrial IoT expansion
  • 5G: Growing demand
  • Cybersecurity
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Cloud computing


For better future outcomes, new technologies are rapidly changing the manufacturing industry, so, new advancements will include smart sensors, tracking, cloud use, quality checks, and the adoption of the digital world.

Manufacturers have a great opportunity to improve their efficiency and the overall process, just as digital transformation is making a significant impact on supply chain management in the manufacturing industry.

Click here if you want to learn more about machine learning in manufacturing!

About the Author

Cesar Agostino

Hardware and Software Design Leader in 4i Platform.

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