The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) connects generally workers, data, and equipment. IIoT is widely considered to be the most important development in manufacturing since before the Industrial Revolution. A manufacturer who plans to connect manufacturing capabilities can reap the benefits of greater operational efficiency, safety, and lower costs. In addition, IoT can help provide a competitive advantage to manufacturers, but it can also pose new operational risks. So, in order to keep your company secure, you should bear in mind the following aspects and you should consider new ways to protect your business in an increasingly interconnected world.  

These are the four main aspects you need to review when introducing IoT into manufacturing processes, procedures, and final products to guarantee that your industry is secure. 

Dealing With Manufacturing Defects and IoT 

You need to protect your business when integrating IoT technology into finished goods because it can cause products to behave differently than their intended design. These manufacturing defects can cause the product to fail to perform as it was intended. If done improperly, this can result in injuries to customers and economic losses. 


When using IoT technology, a proper quality control is essential to protect your business. This will help manufacturers avoid making mistakes that could lead to property loss. It is possible for manufacturers to post clear instructions and warnings.  

Not integrating IoT properly into your operations could result in damage to your manufacturing plant, raw materials, or finished goods. As a result, the devices can malfunction, overheat, or explode in ways that cause harm. 

To ensure that only authorized employees have access to IoT-equipped machines as well as the software they use, industries need to take physical security measures.

Safety at Work 

Proper training, procedures, and safeguards are essential for anyone working around IoT equipment, machines, and devices. Although traditional equipment already possesses safety protocols, there is a need for new security policies when working with IoT equipment. 

These advanced manufacturing systems might not have standard safety protocols such as emergency stops and machine guarding. So, the establishment of new safety protocols can help protect workers who work around the automated equipment. 

Integrators often work closely alongside manufacturers to create specifications for their equipment because of the custom nature of IoT technology. 

Manufacturers may involve their quality assurance manager, safety manager, employees, and maintenance workers to anticipate potential risks and determine which safety features to include in custom equipment or applications. This can help you see the bigger picture and provide valuable insight for planning. 


If data is not adequately secured, a criminal attack, ineffective cloud protection, IT security failure, or vulnerability of IoT devices could all result in data breaches (click here for more information on how to prevent cyberattacks). If data is accessible via hack or stored in the devices, a hacker can stop production operations and steal the company’s Intellectual property (IP). 

The installation of an IoT network can create unwanted portals. Manufacturers should think about four main access points when reviewing their cybersecurity policies. To gain access to the IoT network, it is possible to breach:

  • The smart sensors and actuators which allow the IoT system to function autonomously,
  • Communication systems that allow IoT devices and other devices to communicate with each other, 
  • The computer platform that stores and manages data,
  • Software that interprets data to provide actionable insights (algorithms, applications) and takes actions. 
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