Smart manufacturing can be perceived as a force that is powerful enough to restructure the current competitive landscape, and also embraces and produces a new set of market leaders.

This current event is a new challenge for companies that do not know about new processes and technologies.

This can be a real problem for these companies because they will be left behind in the market.

Read this article if you are thinking about learning strategic insights before modifying your business process and implementing smart manufacturing.

What is smart manufacturing?

For instance, one of the first things to know about smart manufacturing is that it can not be implemented immediately since there are several IoT technologies and solutions that need to be applied. Their main purpose is to:

  • Optimize the manufacturing process.
  • Increase productivity and efficiency.

Some of the leading IoT enablers are:

Consequently, companies constantly research how to obtain more benefits through smart manufacturing and how to implement IoT enablers to improve productivity.

The most important thing to know is that these enablers are either generating or receiving data, or both. This constant process of data analysis will help in making a process more transparent, efficient, and flexible.

How data drives smart manufacturing

  • Smart manufacturing is all about data, and also are factories. Data is the key to knowing what to do and when to do it and for this reason it is essential to know the three types of IoT providers:

Merchandise and control solution providers:

Companies that focus on automation products and services, such as:

  • ABB, Honeywell, Schneider, and Emerson.

IT solution providers or enablers:

These companies are in charge of building control, monitoring, and analytics infrastructure. For instance, some are:

  • Microsoft, Oracle, and Intel.

Connectivity solution providers:

Companies that enable communication and provide a smooth flow of data during operations. Some of them are:

  • Cisco, Huawei, and AT&T.

Implementation of IIoT in manufacturing

IIoT can be implemented at any stage of manufacturing. However, it may be challenging to implement IIoT in facilities when the machinery is still old fashioned.

Still, many organizations are making an effort to adapt industrial IoT solutions into their existing infrastructure since IIoT is an essential tool to improve operations. For instance, it enables automated motoring, predictive maintenance, and remote operation of production systems.

Artificial Intelligence in the manufacturing market

Even though the concept of AI (Artificial intelligence) is not new, there has been an increased interest concerning AI in manufacturing, and there are a few reasons:

  • A substantial amount of data generated within low-cost sensors
  • Affordable storing data systems
  • Process data at fair rates

These reasons made possible the implementation of AI in the manufacturing market.

There is a process of condition motoring where AI identifies a potential downtime or accident through IIoT Data. Now, with his information, you can schedule the maintenance and its repair in a failure advance.

In other words, it is possible now to employ AI and IIoT for smart manufacturing.

Blockchain in Manufacturing

Blockchain might be a new concept, but it is also a recording information system impossible to pass through. As a result, companies are exploring its application in the manufacturing process.

Nowadays, financial systems are constantly implementing Blockchain for their own security.

However, if you take a look at the concept, it can help to maintain quality control for another business, such as:

  • Medical
  • Aviation
  • Food & beverage.

These companies require full observation and examination of all their suppliers across the value chain. 

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