While the Internet of Things is a progressive technological advancement in medical technology, what happens with the areas in which digitalization is not as prevalent? Is it possible to put together a modern technology like IoT with an old-fashioned conventional industry such as agriculture? Well, it is possible with drone farming.

IoT has the ability to make drastic changes in agriculture. In addition, it can also use drones to accomplish this without going further. Moreover, drone farming can be used to detect fire focus sooner than the human eye can do so. 

5G technology allows them to warn firefighters about the possibility of an agricultural fire and help them stop it. Furthermore, a variety of them even have the ability to throw water. 

Drone farming allows farmers to solve problems in a specific crop area such as the lack of pesticides there or to determine the rate of food growth in that area. 

Easily Improve Livestock Welfare 

IoT makes it possible to track livestock’s movements at all times by applying IoT. We can spot potential pathologies on farms and improve animal welfare by placing sensors. 

Big Data gives us an opportunity to gain useful information about crops which can help us increase productivity. 

The agricultural sector has made BIG investments in technology over the past few years. Investments were made because the pandemic seems to have exposed the flaws of the industrial agricultural system. Consequently, different sectors invested in farming technology in order to protect the food chain.

It is important to point out that these technological advancements were possible thanks to the investments of Ag Biotechnology and Novel Farming Systems.

This has allowed farmers to automate processes that were previously manual. We have improved the efficiency of our resources and have been able to produce at a faster pace and better use of our land. 

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