IoT in manufacturing allows connecting hundred of smart devices, as a result, it is possible to create an intelligent network that enables manufacturers to transform their operations and increase the enterprise value.

Consequently, the manufacturing industry is becoming more competitive in the market. This means that adopting the most recent technology is a sure way to achieve unprecedented success.

In other words, since there is a reason for IoT to have become the latest technology buzzword, and there are nearly 200 billion connected devices, the manufacturers should embrace IoT if they want to have success in the business market.

IoT Services for manufacturers – An Overview

Every industry is investing in IoT and smart devices. Organizations that offer software for multi-protocol gateways as well as data analysis platforms, software for gateways, edge computing, and hardware for gateways are offering a variety of solutions.

IoT solutions in manufacturing enable organizations to enhance their shop floor processes and create products that meet the needs of their customers all around the world.

Some of the IoT solutions are:

  • Control and management of data from sensors, gateways, and system layers.
  • Real-time data visualizations with predictive, prescriptive, and descriptive analytics.
  • Unlimited data storage in the cloud.
  • Web API development (so, it allows you to manage all connected devices using a single interface)
  • Data aggregation for BI purposes.
  • Big Data analytics for efficient decision-making.
  • Device integration for numerous device endpoints.

Frameworks and Accelerators

Some frameworks and accelerators can be used to quickly and easily integrate IoT solutions. In addition, these frameworks allow manufacturers to get smarter manufacturing quickly.

Distributed intelligence capabilities, such as frameworks and APIs custom programming allow you to deliver scalable and customizable products at lower costs.

IoT frameworks were designed with the specific requirements of diverse industries in mind. Expert knowledge in communication protocols, device management software and hardware configurations allows seamless interaction between sensors and machines.

Nowadays, organizations are being forced to offer flexible frameworks for edge and gateway solutions due to the diverse IoT environment, some of them are:

  • Qualcomm-based Snapdragon board
  • Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n connectivity
  • Bluetooth 4.0
  • ZigBee and Zwave
  • Proprietary Radio Frequency (RF)
  • 3G/4G/LTE
  • Support for Linux and Android development kits.

The Benefits of IoT in Manufacturing

Manufacturing requires highly efficient processes and administration, and IoT allows manufacturers to do all of this and more:

1. Manufacturing Insight

One of the most important points for IoT is that it allows manufacturers to connect machines and control systems to gain deep insight into their manufacturing process.

2. Data Analysis

Once companies gather all the data from the smart devices and machines, this is now available to be analyzed and start to make valuable decisions.

3. Automation

As a result of data analysis, manufacturers can automate workflow automation by analyzing and connecting processes and devices. Also, this operation allows them to optimize production without the need for human intervention.

4. Remote Access

Since manufacturers can connect different factory equipment to a network, they can remotely control it from any location. This not only allows them to save time, but to make smarter spending decisions.

5. Energy Management

Shopfloor equipment is provided with smart sensors, so, it is possible to get a better insight into the power consumption. As a result, this helps manufacturers to balance peak times and avoid costly excesses.

6. Reducing downtime

IoT allows manufacturers to monitor the manufacturing process in real-time, so, it helps them assess the status of each machine and reduce downtime.

7. Proactive Maintenance

IoT makes it easy to assess the health of machines and helps manufacturers identify when repairs are necessary to maintain seamless production.

8. Safety

Also, IoT allows workers to communicate with apps and machines, giving them a live view of their ongoing activities. This communication is useful in anticipating mishaps and responding quickly to emergencies.

High Return on Investment

IoT is a great tool for manufacturing to increase production and propel the industry to new heights of success.

In conclusion, IoT connects all the smart devices, machines, and equipment of the factory floor to gather all the data and create an intelligent network that generates substantial business value. This is a driving innovation that allows manufacturers to realize a better job and have substantial results.