Modernizing your plant with industrial IIoT tools will aid users in avoiding frequent breakdowns that create costly downtime and repairs. Disruptions and decreasing efficiency create lower production.

A small technological update sometimes is everything companies need in order to help increase productivity and bring down cost of production. Adding a sensor to extract data, analyzing it and transforming it into information will help make better decisions in your plant.

Using 4i Platform, you can have effortless access to your production data via our apps, in a secure way. You will be able to do preventive maintenance to service the equipment before the breakdown occurs.

Help get rid of the cost of expensive repairs caused by a lack of maintenance and prolong the machine life. You can have direct visibility of the key performance indicators (KPI) and instantly make interventions using our OEEasy app.

As a result, you will be able to track the energy consumption and make strategies to aid in lowering it.

The 4i Platform is easy to put into action. It can be applied to small and big companies in different industries. It can be connected to third parties and to old and new equipment.