Since its beginning, the benefits of IoT (the internet of things) are producing a digital revolution in the manufacturing industries across the whole world.

For many years, there has been a growing desire for customization, productivity, and an improvement in the global supply chain in the industrial sector. Consequently, IoT and IIoT are changing the manufacturing process to the core.

Many factories and manufacturing plants are starting to invest in generating new solutions to remain competitive in the market. As a result, manufactures are using IoT smart devices and already experienced an improvement in their productivity, supply chain, and interest in their business.

Industry 4.0

Nowadays, we use IIoT in the range of IoT applications outside of the consumer space and business IoT market, as an umbrella term for applications and use cases across several industrial sectors.

Above all, the benefits of IoT are improving our daily lives by providing more connectivity and automation. Similar developments are taking place in the manufacturing sector.

We are now in Industry 4.0, and this era includes the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) concept.

The IIoT refers to the use of the internet of things in different manufacturing sectors and applications. some of the advantages of IoT are:

  • System integration
  • Automation
  • Connectivity
  • Machine-to-machine communication
  • Machine learning
  • Cloud computing.

The advantages ot IoT

Optimized Product

Industrial automation is one of the most important components of IoT, so, it continues to gain popularity in several industries, such as the food manufacturing sector. Automation decreases the need for operators to be present, resulting in the most efficient control of the production line. 

This platform allows manufacturers to access the data from every stage of production. Likewise, the lack of interconnectivity between physical devices in food manufacturing processes leads to an increase in production deficiencies. That is to say, one of the main benefits of IoT is to know where is the failure in order to solve it.

Real-time Data

The cloud is Industry 4.0’s connective network. Manufacturers can now access their information from any part of the world, at any hour of the day. Meanwhile, the cloud provides manufacturers the opportunity to improve production, reduce failures and face possible downtime.

Predictive Maintenance with the benefits of IoT

Manufacturing companies in every industry are plagued by downtimes. As a result, every second counts. This can be avoided with the benefits of IoT

Regular monitoring and recording of equipment’s operating conditions and system performance can help to avoid this catastrophe. On the other hand, companies analyze the data to identify and predict machine failures, by avoiding expensive downtime.

Seamless Remote Recovery

Machines can experience errors, for example, temperature fluctuations, nozzle blockage, and many others. To address the problem, an email notification is sent immediately.

Engineers can now access the machine remotely via the internet of things in the event of a malfunctioning system. Instead of asking for a visit, manufacturers can permit engineers remote access to their systems and help them recover.

Certainly, manufacturing companies can protect their workers and factories with the benefits of IoT.

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About the Author

Cesar Agostino

Hardware and Software Design Leader in 4i Platform.

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