The first pandemic wave impacted the majority of workers in the manufacturing sector. A variety of factories and plants across the country experienced large-scale clusters of outbreaks that caused concern and worry among workers and the general public. Worker safety became the number one concern and IoT safety solutions provided an answer.

Manufacturers must do all they can to keep the country safe, prevent new outbreaks and keep operations running. IoT worker safety solutions, which can aid manufacturers in accomplishing this lofty goal, are an essential tool.

The IoT provides essential insights that can inform strategic decisions regarding warehouse and plant operations. In addition, the IoT can help stop the spread of viruses and make sure that employees follow social distancing guidelines.

Here are a few ways IoT could assist manufacturers in improving employee safety, reduce costs, and ensure efficient operations.

IoT Worker Safety Solutions

Remote Monitoring

IoT allows remote monitoring of many aspects of the facility, with a few employees working together to prevent germ spread.

Manufacturers can place devices on power sources, trash, tanks, and utilities to determine when employees need to solve a problem and limit the number of workers in each area. Remote monitoring can be used to monitor employee safety.

Sensors installed at factory stations can detect social distancing and signal to shift managers when stations need cleaning.

IoT-enabled clocks that can track who is at work at various sites can also give manufacturers real-time data about who has checked-in. This allows them to monitor how many people are present in a building at once and whether it has reached its capacity.

These types of IoT safety solutions enable manufacturers to lower the spread of the virus, and therefore protect employees.

Optimize Processes

Optimizing processes and minimizing disruption is one way to reduce costs and keep warehouses and plants running smoothly.

IoT devices can be used by manufacturers to monitor parameters such as pressure, vibration, temperature, humidity, and voltage. These sensors can detect leaks, openings, current, tilt and flood in pipes and equipment.

These things can be monitored automatically and not manually so that facility managers are notified in real time if any metric is off.

If a water pipe happens to appear low, the facility manager may send someone down to check if it is leaky. Predictive maintenance helps manufacturers avoid inefficiencies and accidents by speeding up the detection process. This will keep operations running smoothly.

Increase Warehouse Security with IoT Safety Solutions

Manufacturers have extremely valuable machinery and goods in factories and warehouses. Security is paramount, regardless of whether there is an epidemic.

IoT solutions that run on a 0G back-up communication medium give manufacturers an opportunity to secure buildings at a low cost while also addressing the greatest weaknesses in alarm systems.

Security alarms connect via the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). However, anyone can now hack into GSM jammers. Sigfox 0G transmissions utilize ultra-narrowband technology that is resistant to jamming. This can help make sure that your alarm system continues operating normally even if an intruder tries to jam it.

A secondary connection can be 0G-enabled to send a last gasp message in case of a “smash & grab” situation or a malfunction. This added on layer of security can help keep machines and goods safe, especially during unpredictable times.

As operations get back to regular, IoT can help manufacturers protect workers. Facilities also look to make up for lost time. Furthermore, manufacturers can use IoT safety solutions to optimize their processes and reduce costs to be ready to weather the next pandemic and other disruptions.