Industrial IoT or Industry 4.0 is the new phase in the Industrial Revolution, and it focuses heavily on interconnectivity, automation, machine learning, and real-time data. It will help create a more holistic ecosystem for companies that focus on supply chain management.

While each organization operates differently altogether, they tend to face a frequent challenge- the need to connect in real-time. This is precisely where Industry 4.0 and IOT comes into play.

Industry 4.0 is not only about investing in new technology- but to enhance overall manufacturing efficiency. It focuses on discovering the way your whole business operates and grows. Let us dig to get an in-depth overview of Business 4.0 and IIoT and it’s essential.

Introducing the Industrial IoT

There has become a digital revolution in manufacturing factories, especially related to adopting new digital tools for the company and business processes management. At the current times, we are participating in the convergence of real and virtual worlds.

Moreover, the increasing chance of employing modern technologies to accumulate enormous data is evolving the idea of business. Hence we can witness the constant revolutions in the field of web and technology.

The new concept of Business 4.0 or IIoT gets its name because this is the 4th revolution in modern history.

Nevertheless, many use cases and IoT deployments offer a rapid yield, enabling manufacturers to realize digital transformations from several perspectives. In this case, the innovation process is an essential aspect of manufacturing-oriented companies.

The real question arises here – just how do you choose if industry 4.0 is perfect for you? Whether your business should invest in Industry 4.0 or IIoT?

Who is Industry 4.0 or IIoT correct for?

We have prepared a checklist for you, including items that would tell you if it is safe to start investing in Industry 4.0. If you can check off most of the things on this list, it’s highly likely for the business to start allocating the resources needed for installation.

A) You’re in an incredibly competitive business with a lot of tech-savvy players.

B) You are currently having a hard time recruiting to fill vacant jobs in your organization.

C ) You want better visibility in your supply chain.

D) You want everybody on your team to be informed, updated, and relevant to your business processes.

E) You want to have more timely analytics.

F) You need help in making sense of information.

G) You want help to boost customer satisfaction and customer experience.

H) You want to enhance your product quality.

I ) You want to have real-time insights to make faster and more efficient decisions.

J) You want a consistent perspective of production and business operations tailored to your organization’s specific areas or users.

Benefits Of Adopting the Industrial IoT or Industry 4.0

Here are some of the benefits Business 4.0 offers for your business:

A) Industrial IoT Makes Your Business All The More Competitive:

As the big players such as Amazon continue to maximize supply chain management, you should invest in advanced technology that will assist you streamline operations.

B) Industrial IoT Makes Your Organization More Attractive To The Younger Workforce:

Companies that invest in contemporary and innovative Industry 4.0 technologies attract a new and younger workforce, because of the increasing expansion and opportunities they offer.

C) Industrial IoT Makes your entire team more collaborative:

Businesses investing in business 4.0 solutions can increase efficiency, boost collaboration between departments, enable predictive analytics, and enable people to leverage real-time data. This eventually helps them make better decisions while still managing their day-to-day duties.

D) Industrial IoT Helps you address potential issues:

Predictive analysis, real-time data, and internet-connected machinery contribute towards improved proactivity. It can also solve likely maintenance and supply chain management issues.

E) Industrial IoT Allows you to boost profits and cut costs:

Business 4.0 or the Web of Matters helps you maximize all the different aspects of your manufacturing processes and supply chain. It gives you access to the real-time data you want to make smarter and faster decisions about your business.

About the Author

Cesar Agostino

Hardware and Software Design Leader in 4i Platform.

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