Connectivity among individuals, things, and businesses is increasing exponentially. Giving way for flexible connectivity and data exchange involving billions of assets and processes represents a tremendous opportunity for businesses.

Old business models and processes are being rethought and new ones are emerging, including in the following areas.

Iot Enables Long-lived Assets in the Field

A utility meter manufacturer deploys products with embedded SIMs. They will be set up for multi-year periods, so the manufacturer needs to avoid needing to replace the SIM if there is a change in service provider or mobile coverage.

Iot is A New Business Model for Capital-intensive Industries

Gear deployed in construction, agriculture, and healthcare can benefit from IoT-enabled predictive maintenance and asset tracking.

There’s also an opportunity developing to utilize IoT to enable new business models for asset providers that can shift to delivering them on an”as-a-service” basis.

Cloud-based IoT connectivity management platforms can support delivery of these applications on a flexible and cost-effective basis, even enabling dynamic pricing changes.

Single-Site Manufacturing for Internationally Shipped Devices

A manufacturer produces devices, goods, or equipment at scale that are meant to be connected. Even if these devices are manufactured in a single facility, they can be sold or deployed in multiple nations.

Employing a neutral SIM, which can be updated as it is turned on in a new nation, eliminates the requirement for several SKUs based upon the destination country. Profiles can be easily managed and subscriptions updated via the connectivity platform.

Iot Gives Way for Cross-border Mobility

Connected mobile (or portable) assets, such as those used in fleet management and logistics, can dynamically change service providers when crossing borders.

Offering connectivity for portable assets and vehicles requires the ability to control costs, adjust pricing according to data usage, integrate with other vehicle systems, and shift between networks as required.